Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello 2011

Wow, okay. So clearly I am pretty terrible at this whole blogging thing. More than one year to write again is pretty pathetic. I have been thinking for the past few months about starting up again, and the new year seems like an appropriate time to begin. I'm not making any promises, though, because who knows how long until I'm bored with this? Also, who knows if I even tell anyone how to find this lovely little blog...I may just be writing it for my own peace of mind! :)

Well, it's hard to believe its 2011. Geez. We've been in our house for a whole year now! Crazy. The big news is that today was Axis's big move to the movies. We've been in a Learning Center thus far which was a great space for us, but it was time for Axis to move, so we went to the movies! We officially begin meeting at Rave Motion Pictures near King's Island next Sunday, January 9th, 2011. Our preview service was today and it was pretty cool. I must say that personally I love the new space. I volunteer in the preschool area and I was pretty curious to see how it would be to have our classroom set up in the middle of the party area, but it worked out really great. We got a lot of furniture from IKEA and really strived to make an environment for the preschoolers, which I feel like we really achieved. More to come about this big move later!

Another big change coming in 2011 is...Josh and I being healthy! I know, it's crazy really, but I am actually really excited about it. Tomorrow, we are starting a 28-day detox. Nothing crazy like only drink juice for 28-days or anything like that, we are just eating what we should probably eat every other day of the year. Basically, we are eliminating anything unnatural or unhealthy from our diet - no gluten, no sugar, no dairy, no artificial sweeteners, no caffeine. I've been reading up on this plan, and it's interesting how much toxic stuff we put into our bodies - even when we try to eat healthy, there are typically preservatives and hormones in our food. In fact, a lot of times we feel groggy and foggy because of the foods we eat. I know for me personally I have minor headaches probably 3 or 4 days of the week, and my stomach always feels unsettled, and I have to believe that it is because of what I eat. Also, interestingly, a lot of us have food allergies that we never know about - they are minor enough that they only cause slight problems and go undiagnosed. By doing this detox for 28 days, we are completely ridding our bodies of anything that we may be allergic to, so at the end of the detox when we slowly introduce things back into our diet, we can tell what it is we are allergic to or what upsets us, if anything.

I'm excited to start this! Josh and I don't want to necessarily lose weight, but we want to start making lifestyle changes towards being healthier eaters. It is an effort for both of us to eat healthy, and we want to start making it enjoyable to eat what is "close to the earth," making changes that we can keep up after the 28 days are over. I know someone who has done this detox, and she doesn't crave any of the foods she craved before, and really enjoys eating fruits and vegetables now, so I am hoping the same is true for us. If anything, I will just use this blog to record how this goes for us. Even if no one cares to read my blog and what I write about, which is very possible, I will at least have a record of our 28-day journey! :) More about this tomorrow.

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