Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hello World!

So, Josh and I are completely new to this whole blogging thing, so you may need to cut us some slack if we take forever to post something or if our blog looks terrible or anything like that. We thought we'd try out this blogging thing since we have just recently moved but still want a way to let all our friends and family know what is going on in our lives.

So, what's going on in our lives, you ask?
Well, in case you missed it, we just recently moved. We had signed a year lease in Lexington, putting us there until next May, so we thought we were all set to live there at least until then, Josh working at the Hilton and I at King's. But no. Josh has been handed an awesome awesome opportunity, one that we feel is 100% from God, so, obviously, we took it. The pastor of Josh's family's church in West Chester, OH is starting a new church in Lebanon, OH and was looking for a dynamic, fun, awesome youth minister, thus leading him right to Joshua. Since Josh's dream is youth ministry, and youth ministry at a church that is young, fresh, revolutionary and relational, we immediately jumped right on board. We broke our lease immediately (and suffered the consequences of it, too) and gave our 2-weeks notices. We moved all of our belongings into my parents garage and posted up in their basement until our 2-weeks were up. We then packed up again, and basement jumped once more, right into Josh's parents basement, which is where we are currently residing. Our stuff remains packed up in my parent's garage, and we are currently living out of suitcases and laundry baskets, as I am anticipating we will for the next 4-6 weeks, minimum.

Why that time frame, you ask? Well, because we are currently in the process of house-shopping. Yes, sounds very exciting and fun, I know. And it was. About 15 houses ago. Until we found our dream home. In our price range. With his-and-her sinks and a fireplace. Everything on my...I mean, our checklist. And then we put in an offer and waited and waited, and then we lost. It was a foreclosed home so the price was remarkably lower than was its value was, hence everybody wanted it. People with cash who could buy the thing immediately. Sad day. So now we are back to square one, with no prospects on the horizon, but we are remaining positive while enjoying some quality time with the Romano's.

Besides that, not too much else has happened. Josh has begun putting in his part-time hours at the church, which by the way is called Axis Christian Church and everyone should immediately check it out at www.axischurch.com. That lovely little flier you see there on the home page was created by none other than me :) I am pitching in a little here and there at the office with Josh, since, seeing as how I am completely and utterly unemployed, I have quite a bit of spare time on my hands and am just looking for ways to fill it. This being said, it is honestly quite a blessing to be living somewhere rent-free. Our expenses are pretty minimal currently, which takes a huge strain off of Josh and I, since we are currently income-free. Hopefully, Josh will start subbing soon, and as for me...well I recently interviewed with a Learning Center in Lebanon OH for a part-time job that I should hear about this week. I am waiting to hear about that job, and if it's a no, then I start the job hunt once more. Neither Josh and I are worried, though, and surprisingly (or should I say not surprisingly???) we are both very peaceful about this, and know that everything will work out exactly how and when it should.

That's about it for today. Currently waiting at CCU for Josh to be done with class and my laptop is on the verge of dying, so I'll wrap it up. More posts to come soon, I'm sure.

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