Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Catchin' Up

I have a lot of catching up to do! For one thing, our 28-day detox has been over for weeks now, and I haven't even talked about it since then. BUT, first things first! - My new scripture for this second half of the month. This one is going to be a bit trickier...I kinda cheated with the other one, memorizing a verse that I had memorized in the past, but this is a brand spankin' new one! --

...comes with all his holy ones (is what's on the back). -1 Thessalonians 3:12 & 13

So anyway, back to the detox. Well, it's over, first of all. Josh lost 15 pounds! Seriously, the weight just fell off of him. I lost 3. Whoopee. But, to be honest, I definitely cheated more than he did, and I threw in the towel at around day 21, while he stuck strong until the end. Honestly, though, we weren't doing it, really, to lose weight, but rather, just to feel better. And I am starting to realize that what I put into my body really does affect how I feel. We're still trying to do about 80-20, meaning stick to the detox 80% of the time and then have cheats the other 20%. On the days where we completely cheat, I definitely feel it. My stomach hurts and grumbles and I wake up the next morning with a headache. Headaches have been the biggest thing for me since then that I've noticed - I didn't really have any while doing the detox, at least not that were bad enough that I needed Advil, but since then, I would say I've had headaches about 4 times a week where I've needed some kind of medicine. It's crazy really, and I'm sure I can pinpoint it to the gluten or caffeine or diet soda that I have added back to my diet, but for some reason I can't let go of these things! I have definitely cut back on my gluten, but I honestly really look forward to my cup of coffee in the morning and my Diet Mountain Dew in the afternoon. I think I am going to stick with the coffee and cut out some, SOME, of the DMD...like maybe down to 5 days a week. We'll see, that could be pushing it. :)

Hmm...I guess I didn't have nearly as much to catch up on as I thought. Pictures to come tomorrow of my FANTASTIC Valentine's Day present. And now, in late honor of LOVE day, a picture of me and the husband from my favorite day --

SO happy.

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